profile Kal options

7 completed puzzles

Alepheon 100% (Main (TE) + Katakana (TE))
BaseplatePuzzle 100% (TE)
diamond dilemma 100% (0-3/1-0 (TE))
nothcom 100%
Polychromasia 100% (Main + Negatives (TE) + ✥)
Sankpuzzle 100% (TE)
ZED 100% (Main + Negatives + Alphabet + Bl + Kt + Tm)

2 active puzzles

corundrum Δ4 Θ0 Σ0 Π1 Φ0 (probably wont ever come back to this puzzle)
The String Harmony Solved: F0+F1+F5 | Reached: 45 + D + F2+F3+F4+F6+F7+F8+F9