profile RenDraG options

Happy new year
About time I decided to update this paragraph lol
In this section you may see something this <not February>!

Perhaps something.... Vaguely generic

♂ 20-24 INFP(e-iirc) everwild average procrastinative 426thusiast, selfconscious & overambitious curator whose common doings manage to get easily misprinted, noisily eclectic, perhaps mild, secretly somewhat close to a CET-based polyglot, confused C novice, escapism* introduction tranquil wannabe, antisleep** enjoyer, slumber's muse scorn, fervent rhythmist even so intel only, unwaveringly yielding equilibrioceptive-aware thermo&interoceptive-often-superaware arbitrarilly allegorical sensory maverick & moderately big habitual miscreant, and, confusible

I prefer any such nick lim(Ω→α)([this])',
yet I mostly prefer Ren/d, if not full

Attended just few hunts so far, @ time of typing, gl4ph coming up
Thoroughly invested in surpassing /puzzls' borderlines
Devs may understand it's cold

Favorites: winter, 42, 14, pancakes/zza, wat/oke, snoepard, koi, ori/anhythmgam, gravalls\attathnote ...
roses are rose,
violets are violet,
this ain't the end,
nor this some prose

[LINK REMOVED, I'M RETRIEVING WHAT I CAN, GIVE ME TIME :)] What noone will sovle, despite could: shpodgzuftv6gYjpGBA [currently impossible, will fix someday]

*raye tracing lacker (didn't mention misprints?)
**mostly v1 (yup, polyseme)

4 completed puzzles

BaseplatePuzzle te, nice puzzle
Ninth Riddle TE (except secrets (0)) when up again?
Nothing But Morse gg! xp gained, forgor nordinho nick tho
Rachel's Internet Puzzle I opened. I closed. 10/6 22:26

11 active puzzles

A Riddle from a Cat 14 🐢🔍🔍🔍🔍🔎🔎🔎🔎🧊☕🔰
Another Clever Waste of Time 35 | BLiZZ where are you
CrypticEgg 14 🐢🐢
enigmatum 33 (oc)
Ikode Riddle 22(bad)
Notpron 75+ (97% with fren) <3
pigpuzzle 15
Quadkadical my honest cration
The Dream Quest 8
XYZPuzzle 50