I need to make better decisions
5 completed puzzles
Alepheon | 51 + i forgot |
BaseplatePuzzle | the uuhhhh |
corundrum | oX T0 x0 [TE] |
Euclidea | 51 / Zr [100%] |
Polychromasia | -21/TE + ✥ (Surge) -13 (Neocities) |
7 active puzzles
Do Not Believe Her Lies | V |
negapron | -δ |
Project Abyss | Level 33 + Found Ace + Aleph |
Quadkadical | 34 |
RNS Riddle | 40.11 + (ABC) D unsolved |
The String Harmony | 15 |
ZED | 🏅 + 🅰 + (-29) |